Summary of VAWA Campaign, Phase I
Twenty-seven organizations are participating in a national campaign
designed to educate persons about the civil rights abuses of the
Violence Against Women Act. The groups, which are signatories to a
Resolution (,
are listed in the Appendix.
The Resolution spells out three requests:
The VAWA appropriation bill for FY2007 include report language
directing the DoJ Violence Against Women Office to provide Congress,
no later than December 30, 2007, with client utilization statistics of
VAWA-funded programs and services, in compliance with the
male-inclusive requirements of Section 40002(b)(8) of the 2005
Violence Against Women Act.
The Senate and House Appropriations Committees support and approve
President Bush’s budget request to fund the Violence Against
Women Act at the $347 million level in FY2007.
The United States Congress establish a panel to investigate the claims
that the Violence Against Women Act promotes the excessive issuance of
restraining orders, which often leads to family break-up and
inappropriate loss of parent involvement.
The first phase of the Campaign lasted six weeks, from March 20 to
April 28. The Campaign relied on the Internet, radio, group
presentations, and face-to-face meetings to publicize the issues.
It is estimated that over 10 million persons were reached during the
course of Phase I of the Campaign.
I. Activities of Many Participating Organizations:
American Coalition for Families and Children
advised its members about the VAWA Campaign on April 10. On April 24
ACFC put out an Alert asking its members to send a letter to their
Congressman and Senators how VAWA violates civil rights and
contributes to family instability. An ACFC representative also
monitored the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing for the
Department of Justice on April 5.
American Union of Men
responded to the RADAR Alerts by highlighting the issues both locally
and nationally that were in the news. AUM also informed all other
lists (Mensrights and Mensmovement).
Dialogue on Sustainable Community
contacted local elected officials in Congress and the local media in
Illinois to inform them of the shortcomings of VAWA. In addition, we
wrote two legislative proposals to address the issue of DV and
parental rights, one of which we hope will be sponsored in the
Illinois House and Senate in the near future.
Eagle Forum
president Phyllis Schlafly released a column on March 30 titled
“Weak Women and the Bill of Rights” which highlighted a
case currently before the US Supreme Court. At issue is whether a man
accused of domestic violence should be subject to prosecution, even if
the woman refuses to testify in court. The article notes, “The
Violence Against Women Act…holds training sessions for law
enforcement officers, prosecutors, and judges to teach them anti-male
and anti-marriage notions, and how to by-pass men’s
constitutional rights.”
e-mailed state legislators RADAR reports with comments and examples of
local abuses of VAWA. We spoke with Kentucky State Senate candidate
Carroll Hubbard regarding false emergency protection orders (EPOs). We
left detailed a message with Senator Mitch McConnell regarding VAWA
abuses, and gave a local example. We are currently working on a packet
of information for Senator McConnell regarding VAWA abuses.
We are currently working on obtaining court video of false EPOs in
local cases. We filed a complaint against a local feminist judge,
Cynthia Sanderson (see
- File a Complaint - near the bottom). We are working on obtaining the
results of a questionnaire regarding the treatment of men and fathers
by the KY Dept. of Children and Family services that was conducted at
FATHERS’ request.
(F4J) has been distributing VAWA campaign information via its member
lists and forums, placing pressure on politicians to recognize the
need for accountability and fair practices where it concerns domestic
violence programs. A sizable portion of the F4J membership has been
adversely affected by the egregious processes that are attached to
VAWA. We will continue to work to change the smoke and mirrors used by
the VAWA advocates to a purple color that symbolizes the truth,
justice, and equality that we fight for!
Fathers for Virginia
participated in several lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill. On April 27,
Ron Grignol was a caller on the Sean Hannity radio show, which has 10+
million listeners. Grignol talked about false claims of domestic
violence and related them to the current Duke University case. Grignol
highlighted that one-third of all divorce cases involve a claim of
domestic violence. Hannity’s response was positive.
KRights Radio
recorded 6 interviews and to date has sent 4 of those recordings to
syndication. The remaining two will go out next week. We faxed the
RADAR Special Reports and printed materials to over 460 federal and
state government officials. We also sent over 726 faxes to media
outlets. We plan to assemble the 6 interviews and turn them into a
two-part syndicated program.
Men's Activism Network
(NCFM-LA, NCFM-SD, Coalition of Parent Support, and Mensbiz) responded
to each RADAR Alert by making phone calls, sending faxes, and sending
e-mails to various legislators. On April 10 the San Diego
Union-Tribune published a letter to the editor on “Domestic
Violence and Men’s Rights” from Harry Crouch.
Men’s Custody Shelter Network
informed members with e-mails and at meetings to make phone calls to
the proper judiciary and senate offices. Many of our members responded
to the request.
New Hampshire Chapter of the National Congress of Fathers and
raised the visibility of the negative aspects of VAWA both locally and
nationally with phone calls and letters. RADAR Alerts were modified,
where appropriate, as letters to the editors with considerable
success. We believe it is no coincidence that local domestic violence
lobbyists and activists seem to be more reasonable these days. We
are also in close contact with the office of Senator Judd
Gregg. Lately they seem to be genuinely interested to know what we
have to say about DV.
has been fighting against the most powerful and influential special
interest and anti-fatherhood groups in the state. Shortly
will turn to educating the public about anti-equality
legislators and the discriminatory practices of current American
social policy, including VAWA.
Shattered Men
encouraged its members to write and to call their congressional
representative and several indicated that they did. We have sent
informational packets to all of the Indiana Congressman and Senators,
to President Bush, and to the US Attorney General. We have also
addressed the state level by sending the packets to the Governor, the
State Attorney General, and state representatives in our area. On the
local level, we have sent the packet to the mayor and to several
Stop Abuse for Everyone - NH
sent out e-mail alerts announcing the RADAR Special Reports with
additional comments from SAFE-NH and the Report attached. We contacted
our Senators encouraging them to read these reports and to take action
to protect their constituents. Lee Newman, Executive Director,
referenced the reports in 3 outreach presentations and conducted
several discussions regarding these reports and the harm caused by
VAWA to concerned professionals in various social service fields. Lee
Newman also submitted written comments to be included in the minutes
of the meeting of the National Advisory Committee on VAWA on April
True Equality Network
was featured during an hour-long interview on March 24 on The Divorced
Fathers Radio Program on KSCO in Santa Cruz, CA. Terri Lynn Tersak and
Chuck Corry were the guests. A third of the show highlighted VAWA
TEN also held conference calls with influential business leaders in
CA, CO, MD, NC, PA, SC, TX and VA looking into how Qui Tam and RICO
can be applied to deal with false claims of domestic violence and
child abuse in the family courts. During the past month we have,
collectively, interviewed 14 law firms regarding the application of
the False Claims Act and protection for witnesses under
Whistleblower's protection. In our conversations it has been noted the
Department of Health and Human Services acknowledges that 57% of all
claims of child abuse are completely unfounded, which includes those
that are intentionally false. True Equality will be developing a
campaign over the next few months geared to locate potential
whistleblowers and victims to stand as witnesses.
Tulsa Area Fathers Rights Association
held a 90-minute meeting with Senator Tom Coburn’s Tulsa, OK
office to discuss the following issues:
- The staff was informed about the past, present and future dangers
of what the VAWA has, is and will cause to society as a whole, and why
the Senate should impose a stay on VAWA until further investigation is
completed to look into false allegations made against men.
- The Senator's staff was advised about a man assaulted by his
girlfriend. It was explained that this man could not receive any form
of VAWA-funded attention for his injuries. The Senator's staff
accepted the challenge. After a 20-minute resource search by the
entire staff, the staff concluded that there were no services for men,
although they found dozens for women.
- The Senator's staff was presented with case history reports of a
victim of false allegations of rape and assault, as well as a case of
fraud upon the court by a local women's violence shelter.
II. Editorial Writers
released eight op-eds during the course of the Campaign:
David Usher: Why VAWA Hurts Families
Richard Davis: Mandatory Arrest and No-drop Prosecution
David Heleniak: False Domestic Violence Accusations can Lead to
Parental Alienation Syndrome
Richard Davis: Primary and Dominant Aggressor Policies
Gordon Finley: The Case Against Female Sexual Predators
Carey Roberts: Restraining Order Madness
Stephen Baskerville: How the Government Creates Child Abuse
Gordon Finley: Female Sexual Predators: The Veiled Epidemic
RADAR (Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting):
RADAR planned and coordinated the overall Campaign:
Released 5 Special Reports, which can be found at
VAWA: Threat to Families, Children, Men, and Women
Without Restraint: The Use and Abuse of Domestic Restraining Orders
VAWA Programs Discriminate Against Male Victims
Justice Denied: Arrest Policies for Domestic Violence
Bias in the Judiciary: The Case of Domestic Violence
Issued 4 press releases, each of which went to over 16,000 media
Family Break-up Blamed on Intrusive DV Laws
Civil Rights Violations Widespread under DV Laws
Abused Men with Nowhere to Turn
“You Call, We Haul” Arrest Policies Violate Civil
Liberties, Report Says
Issued weekly Alerts that were posted on multiple websites and
listserves, including Men’s News Daily and
Made numerous lobbying visits to Capitol Hill.
Submitted written testimony to the April 26 meeting of the National
Advisory Committee on Violence Against Women, held in Dallas, TX.
Did several radio interviews:
Interviews by David Usher, all of which went smoothly:
April 5: WVOM in Bangor, ME - 5 minutes
April 5: WRVA in Richmond VA for the morning show – 5 minutes
April 9: WSKY in Gainesville, FL – 5 minutes
April 13: WBAL in Baltimore, MD - 40 minutes. Interview highlighted
the Duke case and discussed how VAWA ideology drives false allegations
of abuse of all types against men.
April 2: Mark Rosenthal was the guest interviewee on the KSKA
(Anchorage, AK) Public Radio show “Intercambios” hosted by
Gil Sanchez. The discussion was wide-ranging, covering the misuse
of restraining orders, discrimination against men in provision of
services, the Super Bowl DV myth, the “momicide” myth, and
the recent Joan Meier fabrication that 75% of men who seek custody of
their children are wife-beaters. Steve Basile of Massachusetts
also participated to discuss his recent study of restraining
orders. Afterwards Mr. Sanchez indicated that he was pleased with
the interview.
Participating Organizations:
Michael J. Geanoulis RADAR: Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting |
David R. Usher ACFC – Missouri Coalition |
Alan Rusmisel Alabama Coalition of Fathers and Children |
Michael McCormick American Coalition for Fathers and Children |
Tom Smith American Union for Men |
James Hays Coalition of Fathers and Families NY, Inc. |
Paul Clements Dads Against Divorce Discrimination-NH |
James Semerad Dads and Moms of Michigan |
Michael Burns Dialogue on Sustainable Community |
Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Forum |
Mike East FATHERS: Fathers Asking to Have Equal Rights |
Dan Hogan Fathers and Families |
Roy Getting Fathers for Equal Rights |
D'Arcy L. McGreer Fathers for Virginia |
Jamil Jabr Fathers-4-Justice |
Richar’ Farr Krights Radio |
Harry Crouch Men’s Advocacy Network |
Jeffrey W. Dick |
Marc Snider |
Marc Angelucci National Coalition of Free Men, Los Angeles Chapter |
Gary Gagnon National Congress of Fathers and Children – New Hampshire |
Pastor Kenneth Deemer Shattered Men |
Lee Newman Stop Abuse for Everyone, NH Chapter |
Philip Cook Stop Abuse for Everyone |
Lisa Scott TABS: Taking Action Against Bias in the System |
Terri Lynn Tersak |
Gregory Romeo Tulsa Area Fathers Rights Association |