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Courageous Radio Host Challenges New York Domestic Violence Propaganda Campaign

A year ago, it was Rebecca Odor, director of Virginia's Dept. of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence, who was spending taxpayer dollars on a propaganda campaign to vilify any father who might hold his little girl's hand. (http://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/PJ-AK807_pjMOVI_20070822174330.gif) The more things change, the more they stay the same. This year, it's Amy Barasch, Director of New York State's Domestic Violence Office who's spending taxpayer dollars on a publicity campaign ("Coaching Boys into Men" - http://www.opdv.state.ny.us) that ignores objective research (http://www.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm) and instead promotes the falsehood that all domestic violence is male-on-female, and that men are inherently disposed to abuse women.

In the face of such an overwhelming, government-funded propaganda assault, radio WGY's Al Roney recently did a show on the topic that was a breath of fresh air. In the show, interviewee Deborah Fellows described New York's "Coaching Boys into Men" campaign as "discriminatory, prejudiced, and actually encourages violence against boys and men".

One caller, a retired police officer, said that when they enforced DV laws against abusive women just as they did against abusive men, the domestic violence organizations would send representatives to court to pressure the District Attorneys to dispose of any cases against abusive women. The advocates also pressured the police departments, and as a result he and his fellow officers were instructed by their supervisor that when they encountered a domestic violence situation in which the violent party was a woman, they shouldn't make the arrest.

You can listen to the show by going to http://www.wgy.com/cc-common/podcast/single_podcast.html?podcast=al_roney.xml and scrolling down to "Domestic Violence Campaign (pts.1 & 2)"

So, this week we'd like to ask you to send a big "thank you" to Al Roney and his producer for helping to publicize the outrageousness of these state-enforced biased policies. You can contact them at:

Al Roney <>
Al's producer <>

Date of RADAR Release: March 3, 2008

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R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org