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And Now For Something Completely Different!

In previous alerts, RADAR has highlighted articles that present an inaccurate one-sided portrayal of the problem of domestic violence. Biased articles are so plentiful that it's often difficult for us to choose the one most deserving of an alert.

Sad to say, balanced portrayals of this very human problem are in short supply. That's why, when a prominent member of the media does recognize that women can be abusive and men do get victimized, it's important to let them know just how much we appreciate their understanding and support.

Last Sunday, March 26, 2005, Berke Breathed did just that in his nationally syndicated comic strip "Opus". Since the strip is not available anywhere on the web, the dialog from the strip is reproduced below (without the artwork, of course) so you can get some idea of what the strip said.

This week, let's take this opportunity to express our gratitude by sending Berke Breathed letters thanking him for acknowledging that a penchant for violence is not a male trait, but a human trait, and likewise that compassion and empathy are human traits which are not the exclusive domain of women.

You might also mention some facts that Berke Breathed might not be aware of, such as:

  • the U.S. Department of Justice reports 834,732 annual cases of men abused by women, representing 36% of all cases of abuse annually. (See Exhibit 7, Page 7 http://ncjrs.org/pdffiles/172837.pdf )

  • virtually all funding for organizations to serve domestic abuse victims is provided by VAWA. Before VAWA was enacted, early drafts of the domestic violence section of the law used gender neutral language. However the version of the law that was enacted in 1994 used gender-discriminatory language. As a result, organizations that wish to provide services to male victims have been routinely excluded from receiving funding.

Additional facts you might want to cite can be found on our media fact sheet at http://www.mediaradar.org/media_fact_sheet.php .

Here’s the contact information:

Berke Breathed <opus@washpost.com>

Opus is syndicated by the Washington Post Writers Group. The contact for the Opus comic strip is:

Alan Shearer, Editorial Director/General Manager
Washington Post Writers Group
1150 15th St. NW
Washington, DC 20071

or email Alan Shearer at <shearera@washpost.com>

When you write, be sure to include your name, address, and daytime telephone number.

To help generate media interest in RADAR, please mention you are contacting them in response to a RADAR Alert.

The Opus comic strip published 3/26/2005:

Opus comic strip by Berke Breathed (formerly did "Bloom County" - "Opus" uses the same characters. The character named Opus is a penguin.)


  • Opus the penguin wearing a wool cap and red bowtie attached to a white collar
  • Boy in winter coat, hat and mittens
  • Girl with orange hair wearing a Disney "Snow White" dress

Frame 1: Girl sitting on rock; Opus and boy looking at her.

Girl: "I'm SO disgusted. All this baloney about built-in differences between men and women ..."

Frame 2: Boy and girl staring at each other

Boy: What a crock!
Girl: A complete crock!

Frame 3: Boy with arms folded, girl staring up at sky

Boy: Identical brains.
Girl: Identical.

Frame 4: Boy and girl looking at each other

Boy: YOU'RE just as prone to aggression, violence, bullying, loutishness and shooting moose as we are.

Frame 5: Both with hands on hips

Boy: And WE'RE just as likely to be sensitive, cooperative, empathetic quiet tinklers as any woman.

Frame 6: Boy and girl staring at each other. Girl's fist is clenching.

Boy: You. Me. The same.

Frame 7: Girl punches boy hard. Boy sees stars. Caption reads, "WHAM!"

Frame 8: Boy on his back. Opus standing over him looking down at boy on the ground. On the other side of the frame, girl with her dukes up in a boxing stance.

Opus: Auggie, pal ... Maybe we shouldn't look so sincere when we agree with that old chestnut.


Date of RADAR Release: April 3, 2005

Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your letter? Click here.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org