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RADAR Request Reveals VAWA Usage Data by Sex

In early 2007 the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) did an investigation of VAWA-funded services provided to domestic violence victims. Titled "Services Provided to Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, and Stalking,” the report identified a variety of programs funded by the Violence Against Women Act, such as Arrest, Transitional Housing, Legal Aid Services, and the like. The GAO report can be seen here: http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d07846r.pdf

The GAO report stated that the Office on Violence Against Women "does collect demographic information about all victims served, including gender and age" (p. 24). However, the report did not provide the actual data.

In response, RADAR sent a letter to the OVW under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requesting the OVW to provide sex-specific data for each of those grant programs identified by the GAO. On October 23, 2007 the OVW responded to RADAR’s request.

The following chart summarizes the information:

Following are the actual data provided by the Office on Violence Against Women:

Number of Male and Female Victims Served, By Program, 2003-2006
Grant Program July-Dec. 2003 Jan.-June 2004 July-Dec. 2004 Jan.-June 2005 July-Dec. 2005 Jan.-June 2006 Totals Percent
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Overall Male
Arrest 4,265 27,217 5,428 41,501 5,965 43,060 4,670 37,037 4,528 38,107 4,686 37,947 29,542 224,869 254,411 11.6%
Campus 94 1,013 124 1,092 81 1,113 44 625 77 1,042 83 1,230 503 6,115 6,618 7.6%
Legal Aid 1,296 32,349 1,369 36,740 1,497 34,552 1,308 31,237 1,313 33,377 1,731 38,792 8,514 207,047 215,561 3.9%
American Indians   68 2,431 360 2,541 207 2,074 262 3,087 357 2,473 1,254 12,606 13,860 9.0%
Rural   1,195 18,923 2,120 20,218 1,163 18,212 1,511 22,749 1,543 18,068 7,532 98,170 105,702 7.1%
Housing   1 954 11 2,182 12 3,136 3,148 0.4%
STOP   30,227 260,173 30,228 260,174 29,529 244,153 29,529 244,154   119,513 1,008,654 1,128,167 10.6%


Full names of Grant Programs: (A description of these programs can be found on pp. 16-18 of http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d07846r.pdf)
Arrest Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders
Campus Grants to Reduce Violent Crimes Against Women on Campuses
Legal Aid Legal Assistance for Victims Program
American Indians STOP Violence Against Indian Women
Rural Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Grant Program
Housing Transitional Housing Program
STOP Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors (STOP) Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program