CAREY ROBERTS The Kiss-and-Accuse Capers
LISA SCOTT What To Do Before the Restraining Order Comes
DAVID HELENIAK Ease political pressure on judges
STEPHEN BASKERVILLE Violence against the Constitution
CAREY ROBERTS Restraining Order Madness
MIKE SPANIOLA VAWA distorts reality, erodes Americans’ civil rights
SALON.COM Hitting below the belt
HIS SIDE WITH GLENN SACKS Father Spends 3 Months in Jail for Returning Phone Call
MENS NEWS DAILY Fathers Accused of Restraining Order Violation May Be Forced to Wear Electronic Dog Collar
DAVID R. USHER Why VAWA Hurts Families
STEPHEN BASKERVILLE Violence Against Families
MELISSA WILT VAWA funds family breakups
CAREY ROBERTS VAWA: Making Divorce Easy, Profitable, and Fun
WENDY MCELROY Gender Bias in Domestic Violence Treatment
MARK B. ROSENTHAL VAWA Reauthorization: Billions for Battered Women, Not a Penny for Battered Men!
RAY BLUMHORST For Battered Men their Batterings Never End
RICHARD L. DAVIS Why the Dating Violence Double Standard?
CAREY ROBERTS V-Day: Until the Hysteria Stops
GORDON E. FINLEY There is legal inequality in One Woman's Word
CAREY ROBERTS Double-Standard Treatment for Child Abusers
GORDON E. FINLEY The Case Against Female Sexual Predators
MARC ANGELUCCI Males Get Longer Sentences than Females for Same Crime
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