To report a broken link
To notify us of a broken link, send email to
Please indicate which link is broken by including the two critical
pieces of information shown below. Just follow the step-by-step
instructions for how to copy this information accurately into your
email. In the following example, imagine you're looking at our
homepage, and you get an error when you click on the link to our Fact
Sheet. In the picture below, that's circled in green.
Send the web address of the page that contains the broken link. This is circled in red above.
Click in the address bar at the top of your browser (if your browser is Internet Explorer, the word "Address" appears to the left of this).
From the menubar at the top of your browser, click Edit>Select All to select everything in the address bar.
From the menubar, click Edit> Copy.
Click in your mail window to bring that in front of the browser window.
From the menubar at the top of your mailer, click Edit>Paste..
Also send the web address of the link that doesn't work. This is circled in green above.
Right-click on the link that doesn't work, and select "Copy Shortcut" (if your browser is Netscape or Firefox, the menu item will say something like "Copy Link Location").
Click in your mail window to bring that in front of the browser window.
From the menubar at the top of your mailer, click Edit>Paste..
For the example above, your email should say something like:
When I'm viewing your webpage at,
and I click on the words "Fact Sheet"
which is a link to,
I get an error that says,
<Copy the error message into the email>.